Wedding Weight Loss: 101 Resources to Help you Get in Shape for Your Wedding

Your big day is rapidly approaching and you have a limited amount of time to get yourself in shape for that form-fitting dress you love. The last thing you want is to look at your wedding photos and cringe at your figure a few years down the line, so you’ll need to step up your health and fitness routine ASAP. While getting fit for your wedding can be stressful, seeing as though you’re under the gun to meet a deadline, it can also be easy in the sense that this is one time that you’ll feel consistently motivated to make the necessary adjustments to your routine. Use this list of tips and resources to help you lose weight healthfully and fast.

Weight Loss Plans

You may not have time to audition for “The Biggest Loser,” but you do have time to get on a successful diet. Try one of the counseling services below or go it your own with a custom weight loss plan to keep you focused on eating the right foods and dropping inches. Many of these plans have online reporting components to help you stay on track.

  1. Weight Watchers: One of the most well-known weight loss systems, Weight Watchers says it’s successful because it’s not a diet. This is a program run on formulating healthy, balanced meals and keeping daily caloric intake within a certain range – no matter what foods you’re eating.
  2. Jenny Craig: Kirstie Alley, Valerie Bertinelli and Queen Latifah are the celebrity spokespeople for this weight loss system that offers custom-made meals and one-on-one counseling.
  3. NutriSystem: Like Jenny Craig, this system provides the dieter with ready-made foods. NutriSystem’s plan is to keep its clients’ blood sugar low by offering foods without complex carbohydrates.
  4. L.A. Weight Loss: This plan also offers one-on-one counseling and custom, personalized menus. Like Weight Watchers, L.A. Weight Loss refutes the diet label, dubbing itself a lifestyle-plan.
  5. Atkins: Though controversial for its complete ban on carbohydrates, many people praise the Atkins Diet’s high-protein system for helping to drop pounds fast. Consult your doctor before considering this plan.
  6. South Beach Diet: A doctor-designed diet, South Beach takes dieters through three stages to first eliminate sugar cravings, then speed up weight loss, and finally to make sustainable lifestyle changes.
  7. The Zone Diet: Jennifer Anniston swears by this diet that prescribes that each meal should contain 40 percent carbohydrates, 30 percent protein, and 30 percent fat.
  8. The Best Life Diet: Developed by Oprah’s nutritionist and friend Bob Greene, this plan is all about choosing the right foods and portion control.
  9. Mediterranean Diet: Endorsed by the Mayo Clinic, this diet was developed by examining the eating behaviors of people hailing from the Mediterranean region. It, to the delight of many, prescribes heart-healthy foods like olives and red wine.
  10. Slim Fast: You can buy Slim Fast shakes at your local grocery and drug stores, and the plan is easy – drink one shake each for breakfast and lunch and then eat a sensible dinner.
  11. Perricone Diet: A two-for-one plan, Dr. Nicholas Perricone claims his plan will both stimulate weight loss and reverse the signs of aging because it avoids foods that cause inflammation.
  12. Deliciously Yours: This home-delivered meal plan allows you to view sample menus and pick the foods you like best.
  13. Eating for Life: Nutrition guru Bill Phillips has sold millions of books about his Eating for Life plan that focuses on a healthy, sustainable combination of nutrition and exercise.
  14. Fall’s Best Diet Plan: Perfect for those who are handy in the kitchen, this plan focuses on reducing blood sugar levels by eating fresh produce and lean protein.
  15. Glycemic Index Diet: Almost identical to the South Beach Diet, this plan works well for people with strong sugar and sweets cravings by conditioning the body not to want junk food.
  16. Medifast: Medifast swears by the small meal plan touted by many celebrities who have to slim down for movie roles. The 5-and-1 plan is six small meals a day – five of which are provided by Medifast and one healthy meal you make on your own.
  17. Biggest Loser Club: OK, I said you don’t have time to audition for the biggest loser, but you do have time to follow diet and fitness program used on the show online through this site.
  18. Sonoma Diet: Calling itself the “most flavorful weight loss plan under the sun,” the Sonoma Diet is a beefed-up version of the Mediterranean Diet, with an influx of Californian foods.
  19. Diet to Go: An easy plan to follow – just pick up your pre-made meals and eat.
  20. Duke Diet: Developed at Duke University, this plan has been around since the 1960s helping people lose weight with personalized diets, fitness routines, and medical advice.
  21. Jillian Michaels: Do you want buff arms? Check out this plan from Jillian Michaels, the trainer on “The Biggest Loser” who has coached many people into dropping hundreds of pounds.
  22. Flat Belly Diet: Maybe you feel pretty good about your body, but just want to lose some flub around the middle? Try this diet that focuses on eating mono-saturated fats found in foods like avocados, almonds and chocolate.
  23. Denise Austin: This peppy aerobics queen will cheer you right into that pair of size 4 jeans with her “Eat Right!” diet philosophy, complete with meal plans and daily tips.
  24. Dr. Oz: It seems Oprah has the market cornered on diet-guru friends. Dr. Memhet Oz, author of the bestselling book “You on a Diet”, is frequently on her show speaking about the physiological reasons we gain weight and how we can change the way our bodies react through dietary choices.
  25. 5 Factor Diet: Trainer Harley Pasternak designed this diet for the sole purpose of helping Hollywood celebrities lose weight fast. His plan consists of small meals and brief, frequent workouts. He’s helped beauties like Alicia Keyes and Eva Mendes get in shape for the red carpet.
  26. Ultimate Tea Diet: Authors of this book claim tea will help you lose weight by decreasing your appetite and boosting metabolism. Drink your favorite tea all day, combined with a healthy diet, and watch the pounds melt off.


Unless you’ve been living under a rock all your life or are blessed with an over-zealous metabolism, you know you can’t lose weight without exercising. Sorry all you couch potatoes, but you’re going to have to get up. Here are some basic and unique forms of exercise that will help you blast off calories.

  1. Walking: Stand up, put one foot in front of the other, repeat. Walking is a great form of exercise that you can easily fit into free gaps during your day.
  2. Running: Like walking, but faster, running is one of the best ways to burn calories quickly and tone your whole body. Beginners should ease themselves into it by checking out tips through resources like the Runner’s World website.
  3. Hiking: Get outside and smell the clean air! Hiking is an excellent form of exercise that also boosts your mental spirits. The trick is in the incline – find a local hill or mountain and climb it!
  4. Biking: Put your car in the garage and lock the key. Biking as a form of transportation is an environmentally-friendly and healthy way to get around town. If your commute won’t allow it, try squeezing in a spin around the neighborhood a few times a week.
  5. Tennis: We’re not talking about batting the ball around here, but a vigorous tennis game with a friend is a social and fun interval workout. One hour of an energetic tennis match can burn between 480 and 670 calories, depending on your weight.
  6. Swimming: Swimming is often claimed to be one of the best calorie burners, since a person engages most of their body’s muscles while swimming. It’s also easy on the joints.
  7. Aerobics: Break out your legwarmers and get yourself to a class. Aerobics, while very Jane Fonda-esque, are a fun way to boost your heart rate. If you can’t make it to a fitness center, get one of the many hundreds of aerobic DVDs on the market.
  8. Kickboxing: If aerobics are to foo-foo for your refined sensibilities, then try kickboxing. A blending of martial arts and calisthenics, kickboxing is a high-energy workout that will leave you feeling empowered.
  9. Hip Hop Dancing: Release your inner J. Lo! Hip hop dancing is a great way to improve your coordination and lose weight.
  10. Rock Climbing: Rock climbing burns 700 calories an hour on average, which is more than excuse enough to buy that first pair of crampons.
  11. Bellydancing: No joke, bellydancing is the latest and greatest workout craze. It’s low-impact for sure, but worth a try on days when you’re searching for something with less intensity.
  12. Strip Tease: If you want to look like Carmen Electra, check out her strip tease aerobic video – all you need for your workout is a pillow and a bed! Very risqué.
  13. Power Plate: If you have between $2,500 and $10,000 to spend on an exercise machine, you might get the best bang for your buck with the Power Plate, an exercise machine that works your whole body by making you keep your balance while it gyrates. This method is popular with fitness-obsessed celebrities like Madonna.
  14. Pilates: This ballet-inspired form of exercise lengthens and strengthens muscles, giving you a lean and tone figure.
  15. Power Yoga: Get sweatier than you could imagine with a power vinyasa yoga routine popularized by Baron Baptiste. It’s both physically and mentally challenging.
  16. Gyrotonics: This machine has a similar, if not more pronounced, effect as Pilates, lengthening muscles and increasing flexibility.
  17. Nia: Nia is a member of the yoga and Pilates family, but differs by focusing on continued movement that combines dance, martial arts, and yoga.
  18. Cy-Yo: Yoga meets spinning in this new exercise trend that begins with yoga, moves to a rigorous cycling portion that focuses on holistic breathing techniques, and ends, again, with yoga.
  19. Stroller Strides: If you already have young children, like to babysit, or have a toddler niece or nephew, check out Stroller Strides, workouts you can do while pushing your tot around the cul-de-sac.
  20. Budokon: A combination of yoga and martial arts, Budokon founders claim it’s the ultimate mind-body workout.
  21. Jump Rope: Jumping rope is no longer relegated to school playgrounds. One fast hour of this elementary pastime will burn well over 700 calories.
  22. Weight Lifting: You have to combine strength training with your metabolic routine to get the best results. Try to squeeze in at least three weight sessions each week.
  23. Squash: No longer the sport of middle-aged, Englishmen, squash is an excellent way to burn lots of calories fast. Plus, it’s a great conversation starter.
  24. Basketball: If team sports are your thing, try joining a basketball league. The constant running up and down the court will have you in Scottie Pippen-shape in no time.

Gadgets and Calculators

To make sure you’re burning calories correctly and getting in the mileage you need, try out some of these technologies that will help you keep a leg-up on the numbers game of weight loss.

  1. Calorie Calculator: Use this handy tool to determine how many calories you need to consume each day to reach your maximum weight loss.
  2. Mileage Burn: Try this calculator out to find out how many calories you burned on your run.
  3. Distance Calculator: Type in your pace and the duration of your walk and find out how far you went.
  4. BMI Calculator: BMI is your Body Mass Index and it tells you your percentage of body fat. Use this to determine your goal.
  5. 40-30-30 Calculator: If you’re on The Zone Diet, or a Glycemic Index Diet, use this to find out how many grams of carbohydrates, protein and fat you need each day.
  6. Ideal Weight Calculator: Use this tool to set goals by figuring out your ideal weight.
  7. Activity Calculator: No matter what your exercise, find out how many calories you burned during your workout.
  8. Pedometer: Wearing a pedometer will help you count steps and calculate distance and calorie burn.
  9. Daily Calorie Burn: This calculator tells you how many calories you have to burn each day in order to lose your target amount by your intended date.
  10. Time to Weight Loss: This tool is an essential for brides-to-be – it calculates how long it will take you to reach your target weight. The power in having this knowledge is that you can make adjustments to your program by accelerating it if it looks like you won’t be on track to your goal.
  11. Nutrition Data: This helpful website gives you in depth information about calories and nutrients in all foods and even analyzes recipes.
  12. Diet Facts: Another food analysis site, it even includes nutritional information about menu items at popular restaurants.
  13. Calorie King: Count calories and determine portion sizes on this site.

Journaling and Networking

Keeping a journal of your weight loss activities and connecting with other people who are in the same boat are great ways to keep yourself motivated and on schedule. It’s also helpful to see in advance any adjustments you have to make after you cheat.

  1. Self: is a great website to use if you’re really trying to push yourself. Sign up for one of their fitness challenges and keep yourself in line.
  2. Fit Day: Downloadable software that lets you track every aspect of your weight loss journey.
  3. NutriDiary: An online diary that even makes charts of your progress.
  4. Peer Trainer: Their motto is “Buddy up. Slim down.” Find like-minded dieters to give you inspiration.
  5. Spark People: Spark People gives you free diet plans and counseling from experts.
  6. My Fitness Pal: Count calories and blog on this site.
  7. The Daily Plate: This site has it all – diet and meal suggestions, chat forums, and exercise recommendations.
  8. My Food Diary: My Food Diary is an online community for people interested in healthy living and has been endorsed by the Wall Street Journal and Martha Stewart’s Blueprint magazine.
  9. Diet Diaries: Keep your own personal online diary, read the diaries of other dieters, and share your entries and inspirations on this simple site.
  10. Weight Loss Buddy: In the same spirit as, is a website that helps you find motivational partners in your quest for fitness.

Behavioral Changes

To truly be successful in losing your goal amount before your wedding day, you are likely going to have to engage in some pretty serious behavioral changes. Here are some general habits you should look at adopting.

  1. Get 8 hours of sleep: Doctors have found that sleep helps maintain a healthy metabolism. When you’re not getting enough sleep, you produce toxic chemicals that make it more difficult for you shed pounds.
  2. Drink Milk: Studies indicate that calcium aids in the body’s fat-burning process. The more calcium you get, the more fat you’ll burn.
  3. Read Labels: Know what you’re putting in your body and start making it a habit that you read the labels of every food you buy. Make sure you make calculations on serving size – the information on labels can be misleading if taken out of context.
  4. Caffeine: There are conflicting debates over the benefit of caffeine on weight loss, but one thing’s for sure – caffeine can boost your metabolism and suppress your appetite, while over-consumption can lead to energy crashes. And cut out the high-fat coffee drinks – stick to plain coffee or non-fat lattes.
  5. Drink Water: You’ve heard it a million times, and for good reason. Water helps you lose weight by regulating body temperature and flushing out toxins. Drink up!
  6. Ditch Diet Soda: No diet soda?!?! But it has no calories, which is good, right? Actually, no. Scientists have linked the chemicals in diet soda with Metabolic Syndrome, which causes weight gain. Turns out there’s nothing diet about these drinks.
  7. Set Reasonable Goals: Having goals is extremely important to the weight loss process, but make sure that you think things through beforehand. Know what’s possible and what isn’t – don’t set yourself up for failure with outrageous expectations.
  8. Vitamins: Make sure you’re getting proper nutrition with vitamin supplements. This will keep your body functioning at tip-top shape. The most important vitamins for weight loss are B vitamins, which help your body’s energy level.
  9. Eat Out Less: Unfortunately, eating out is not good for the waistline, if you’re doing it frequently. You’ll be able to fix far healthier foods at home, so limit your meals out to once or twice a week. And when you are out, make good choices by sticking to salads and lean proteins, like fish and chicken.
  10. Weigh Yourself Regularly: It doesn’t have to be every day, but you will want to step on the scale at a chosen and consistent time. Once a week is fine to chart your weight loss.
  11. Eat Slow: One of the best tips for weight loss is learning to eat slow. When you eat fast, your body doesn’t have the chance to realize when it’s full. Slow down your intake and eat less.
  12. Eat Early: The jury is out over whether eating before bedtime will make it more difficult for you to lose weight, but why risk it? Make sure you eat dinner at least a couple of hours before you hit the sack so you digest your food at a higher metabolic rate.
  13. Eat Breakfast: It’s common knowledge at this point that people who skip breakfast tend to be more obese. Getting a healthy first meal gets your body’s metabolism going for the day.
  14. Cut out Junk Food: This sounds obvious, but seriously – fast food and junk foods really must go if you want to lose weight. Trans-fats, high-fructose corn syrup, and other chemicals found in these foods are detrimental to your body’s quest to lose weight.
  15. Fiber: Fiber is probably one of the most important things you can eat when trying to lose weight. It helps keep you regular and eliminates toxins and carcinogens.
  16. No Refined Foods: Good-bye white sugar, so long white bread. Get refined foods out of your diet. The human body does not respond well to processed foods, as they are hard to break down. Eating processed foods means you’ll increase your body’s propensity for storing complex carbohydrates, or sugars, which will be converted into fat if not expended. Keep it natural, and you’ll see results.
  17. So Long, Saccharine: Artificial sweeteners are not only bad for you health-wise, they can hinder your weight loss efforts.

Outfit Yourself and Your Home

Working out and staying healthy will be easier if you have the resources you need handy. Get yourself some cute workout clothes and make sure you have certain tools in your home.

  1. Lululemon: Getting into yoga is a great way to tone up and lose weight faster, and now you can look great doing it with these amazing yoga outfits.
  2. Binka: Binka makes working out hip with its trendy tops and pants.
  3. Couture Active Wear: Great, original designs make up this line of workout gear.
  4. Pure Lime: This Scandinavian line of workout clothes is geared more toward yoga enthusiasts, but is definitely versatile.
  5. Margarita Sportswear: A sassy active wear line that is loud and bold.
  6. Workout Videos: Check out this article about the best fitness DVDs for burning calories and sculpting muscles in the comfort of your living room.
  7. Resistance Bands: Invest in some resistance bands for longer, leaner muscles.
  8. Jump Ropes: Jumping rope is a great cardio workout and improves coordination. Definitely a must have for the home.
  9. Exercise Balls: Exercise balls are an essential tool – they’re especially good for strengthening your core muscles.
  10. Yoga Mat: You’ll need one of these for yoga, Pilates, or any floor exercises.
  11. Free Weights: Free weights are great for general strengthening or bring them on your walk or run to increase your calorie burn and muscle mass.
  12. Medicine Balls: Weighted medicine balls can be used in lieu of weights or to increase the intensity of moves like lunges and sit ups.

Now that you’re armed with all of this weight loss knowledge, you have everything you need to get on the path to being a gorgeous, fit bride. Remember, the principles of weight loss are simple – burn more energy than you take in and choose natural, healthy foods. Good luck!

You’re the Best Bath Gels

your the best

Here is a great way to tell your wedding party you appreciate them. Yes, traditional old greeting cards are fine, but everybody exchanges them, same old thing year after year…sigh… Why be ordinary? Say—you’re the greatest, best, coolest, most wonderful…. mom, dad, sister, friend, dog… with a message on a bottle. These bottles conatin shower gel made of  ALL-NATURAL, SHEA NUT OIL-ENRICHED, VEGAN formula, SAY IT WITH SUDS is sure to be a hit with everyone in your wedding party.

Choose from:
BRIDE = honeysuckle
BRIDESMAID = vanilla/coconut
HOSTESS = pearberry
ROOMMATE = cherry almond
MOM-TO-BE = coconilla lotion (for stretch marks)
MOM = honeysuckle
SISTER = pear
DAUGHTER = lavender vanilla
DAD = seaspray
GRANDMA = gardenia
FRIEND = pear
TEACHER = apple
DOG = herbal blend – CAN USE IT ON PEOPLE TOO!

 Check it out!

Time for Happy Hour! Cocktail Flavored Lip Gloss

cocktail lip gloss

Looking for unique little gift idea for your bridesmaids? Then this should be right up your alley. This is a great idea that will make happy hour possible at anytime! This is cocktail flavored lip gloss. How cute is that? These little drink specials are avalible in twelve different flavors.

Color: crushed berries with a splash of shimmer
Color: crushed berries with a splash of shimmer
Color: sheer lime with a splash of shimmer
Piña Colada
Color: buttery sheer with a splash of shimmer
Color: blush with a splash of shimmer
Color: sheer gold with a splash of shimmer
Pink Champagne
Color: glossy pink with a splash of shimmer


Check it out!

How to Get Rid of Pimples


Many of us have problems keeping our faces perfect. I know my biggest crime is sleeping in my makeup. While I know it is the worst thing you could ever do, I still do it! However, I believe it is better to know why you’re breaking out, than be totally in the dark and helpless against breakouts. So I have compiled the most vital info to help you keep your skin as flawless as possible.

The first and most important way to get rid of pimples is to clean your face twice a day. You want to wash your face once in the morning and once in the evening with a gentle, oil- and fragrance-free cleanser; preferably a non-detergent one labeled pH balanced. Don’t scrub – irritated skin swells around the pores, which can cause breakouts. Do not wash your face more than twice a day because it can increase your oil production and can also irritate sensitive skin. Also, never sleep in makeup because this will block your pores, thus causing break outs. If your skin is oily, use soap with benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid both of these contain drying properties which will combat oily skin.

Take Care of the Problem

Apply a topical acne treatment containing benzoyl peroxide, glycolic acid, or salicylic acid over your entire face. Don’t just spot-treat acne; put the product on all acne-prone areas. That can include your entire face (avoid the lips and eyes), back, and chest.At night, use a drying spot-treatment product and dab oil-free moisturizer on dry areas. In the morning, apply an oil-free sunscreen all over your face.

Use a Concealer

To cover blemishes, apply a concealer that is the same color as your skin tone. To do this use a small brush and dab on the problem area. Use you finger to wipe off any excess concealer around the pimple. If it looks goopy or cakey gently wipe off and start over. Next, apply a light powder that matches your skin tone.

 Warnings and Tips   

  • If you have oily skin, use a clay mask as often as every three days to absorb excess oil.

  •  To temporarily reduce redness and swelling dab on a drop of drugstore cortisone cream, Preparation H, or Vasocon-A eye drops.

  • Don’t pick, press, rub, scratch, or bother your pimples in any way. If you do, you risk spreading the bacteria and increasing the chances of scarring.

  • Only use oil-free products on your face.

  • Keep yourself hydrated. Drink eight or more glasses of water a day. This will help your body eliminate toxins.

  • Avoid touching your face, as this just spreads bacteria

How to Apply a Self Tanner

 Everyone looks great with a beautiful summer glow. However, baking yourself in the sun causes sun burn, wrinkles, and can lead to skin cancer. So the best way to get a healthy glow is to apply a self tanner.  To most people a self tanner is a scary thought. They picture a fake, smeary, orange tan but the reality is that self tanners have come a long way. You can find self tanners in a variety of shades, making it easy to get the perfect glow! The hardest part is the application and if you follow these tips that will be a cinch also.


Picking Your Product: This is the most important step to ensure you get the perfect tan for your skin tone. You need to test several products to find which one gives you the most natural color. The more expensive tanners are not necessarily the best! Go to the store and try out a few on the inside of your arm and let them develop. You can also ask for samples so you can try different brands at home. Doing these patch tests will help you choose the color that is closest to your natural tan. Also pick a tanner that is tinted. Even though tinted and non-tinted tanners work the same, tinted ones are easier to see. This will make the process of getting an even tan a lot easier!


Allow Yourself Enough Time:
It will take a good 90min to 2hrs for application and drying time. Although most products promise a 15 to 30 min drying time, it will really take at least an hour for a flawless tan. That may sound too long, but your smooth, glossy, safe tan will be worth it! Think of it as a spa treatment.  The best time to apply your self tanner is a few hours before you go to bed. This is because self tanners do not contain an adequate amount of sunscreen for the day.  

Prep Your Skin:
  Wash and exfoliate your face and body thoroughly before applying the product. This will wash away any dead skin which otherwise would make the tan uneven and blotchy. Concentrate on areas that are prone to excessive dryness like your elbows and knees. It is also helpful to moisturize the rest of your body, apply more moisturizer on more porous areas such as your elbows, knees and ankles bones before application as well. Be sure to use a moisturizer that is fragrance free because the fragrance can sometimes affect the self tanner. Also, make sure your legs are shaved or waxed a day or two prior to applying your self tanner. The more often you shave or wax after that, the quicker your tan will fade. If you shave your legs, don’t shave immediately before applying a sunless tanner. This can cause irritation.


Let’s Get Started:
After your skin is toughly dried, exfoliated, and moisturized, it is time to apply your self tanner. Now, take your time and apply self tanner in one area at a time, working quickly but thoroughly. Gently rub in the self tanner by using a circular motion rather than an up and down motion. This will help prevent streaking. The recommended way is to start at your legs, moving to your arms, then your torso, and finally your face. However be very careful around your hairline and eyebrows to avoid getting tanner on them. Hair shouldn’t tan.


Drying Time: You should not put on street clothes, exercise, clean the house, swim, bathe, or do anything that will make you sweat for one hour. You will want to avoid contact with everything for at least 15 min. If possible, however, we recommend waiting thirty min. before putting on a loose t-shirt or night gown. Stay away from any tight clothing like bras or jeans for at least an hour but the longer you can wait the better. Our recommendation is to apply your tanner, let it dry for an hour, put on a loose night gown, and go to bed. The next morning you will wake up with a beautiful tan!


Reapply: Reapply self-tanner as you feel the need. Generally it will start fading in about three to four days as the surface layers of skin shed.


     Helpful Hints:

    • Apply moisturizer to the areas that are extra porous, such as elbows and knees, to avoid to dark of areas.
    • Less is more, it is better to reapply than to look too dark.
    • If you have any patches, go back with the exfoliater and soften them down.
    • Gloves are the best way to apply a self tanner without getting your palms way to dark.
    • Be aware that different parts of your body “pick up” self-tanner easier than others. For example, some people find that their legs turn brown more easily than their arms or torso, while others find that their faces and necks change color fastest. Experience will help you determine which is true for you. Be careful around your nose, eyes, ears, hairline, and lips. A cotton swab, makeup sponge, or synthetic makeup brush can help blend a thin, even amount smoothly over those areas. To keep light hair from turning color, apply a layer of conditioner or Vaseline over the hairline.
    • Using a makeup sponge to apply self tanner to your face and the tops of hands gives you more control in small areas.
    • Applying self-tanner on your back requires a friend with a helping hand, although you can use a long-handled paintbrush (note that this poses some issues of potential dripping and uneven application if you are not able to blend the product in).
    • Ideally you should apply a self tanner naked. However, if you have to were something make sure it is tight fitting and does not rub (like panties and a bra), and something that you don’t mind getting stained. Whatever you wear should fit tightly enough that you can put the sunless tanner right up to the edge of it without it seeping underneath.
    • 20 volume peroxide developer. Commonly used for hair bleaching, this product (available at beauty supply stores) is your spot "eraser." Dip a Q-Tip in this liquid and apply to areas where you want to remove the tan — commonly, that might be a streak on the inside of your arm or on your heel. (Make sure you rinse well afterward!) Do NOT use this to remove your entire tan or on a large section of your body.


Look 10 Pounds Thinner Instantly

With the holidays just around the corner we all want to look our best. Would you like to look ten pounds thinner instantly? I know I did, so I did some research and found the best tips around for dressing thinner. So here we go…
1. Jeans and Denim
~ Light colors make you look bigger, same for tapered legs.
~ Stick with a super-dark wash; it will increase the slimming effect.
~ A slightly flared boot-cut balances out wider hips.
~ Jeans of one tone will slim down the leg.
2. Problem: Legs
~ If you your problem area is your thighs wear an A-Lined dress to balnce out your body.
~ If you have wide ankles don’t wear a strap that cuts across your foot, and avoid tiny kitten heels. Wear an open-toed shoe that allows you to see the length of the leg. Wearing a chunky heel will also make the ankle look thinner.
~ If you have chunky legs, never wear a boot that ends at the thickest part of your calf. Always make sure that the boot goes over the calf and even looks a little bit big at the top. Your calf will look thinner.
~When choosing tennis shoes, keep in mind that a regular tennis shoe makes the ankle and calf look chunky. A backless shoe makes the ankle appear thinner because you have the opportunity to see the skin go all the way down.
3. Problem: Tummy
~ Spilling out over your too-tight, cute little pair of panties is a big no-no. You need a waistband on your panties that reaches up to your rib cage where there is less flab. Lots of elastic reinforcement will hold you in beautifully.
~ Large patterns on your jacket will make you look inches wider than you really are.
~Big bright patterns can hide love handles and thick arms.
4. Problem: Top Heavy
~Underwires are essential. They help push the boobs forward as well as upward. It’s enough to make you look like you’ve actually got a waist—and maybe even lost a few pounds!
~ A V-neck sweater with a tailored jacket over the top will balance out your body and creates the illusion of a waist.
5. Problem: Wide Neck
~Don’t wear stud earrings because they do nothing to bulk out the jaw line. If you have a wide neck, wear wide, dangly earrings.
 6. General Rules
~Stay away from sweatpants, sweatshirts and elastic waists, they always add pounds.
~Wearing all one color will accentuate and slim you, but be sure to break up a monotone outfit by using an accent that uses that color and introduces a few others.
~The narrowest part of a woman’s body is just under the chest. Always make sure you accentuate that by wearing fitted fabrics around it.
~A long scarf skims down your center and takes off more weight.

How to Add Volume to Flat Hair

Is your hair lacking in the volume department? Here are some tips and some secret techniques that help pump up the volume!


Add Some Color: Adding highlights or lowlights gives your hair dimension. Hair that is all the same color appears flatter.  When adding dimension to the hair, you are creating an illusion of thicker hair with more lift. Multi-tonal hair works like an optical illusion on the eyes, they perceive movement, even where it dose not exist.


Layer it Up:
Hair styles that have short layers will add volume to the hair, especially those that have shorter layers in the crown. The shorter the layers go the more lift you will have, but keep in mind if you go really short it will create a punkish pixie look. Also keep in mind that the layers should go with the hairstyle. Some styles do not work well with short layers, so you may have to opt for longer ones or a different style. 



Tease it Up:
Don’t get scared we do not mean 80’s style teasing! If you have an area that just needs a little more volume, take that section and tease the under side of the hair strand, then spray with hair spray, let the hair spray dry for a minute, and then smooth out the top side of the hair strand. This technique will add a little more volume to those trouble areas.


Use Do Dads: Do Dads, are simple hair combs with hair extensions attached. You choose the color to match your own or a contrasting color for an edgier look. To get the lift, you fasten it on just as you would a traditional hair comb by combing it in against the grain of your hair.

Use a Volumizer: Volumizers are designed to add lift and body to the hair. They are available in gels, mousses, and spray versions. These products are applied to the roots of towel dried-hair, lifting hair with your fingers as you apply.  Our favorite is the spray mousses. These products make it easier to apply because you simply spray it on. This comes in handy in those hard to see spots in the back of your head. 

Use a Curling Iron:
If used properly, a curling iron will give a great lift. This is because of the intense heat generated. The correct way to use a curling iron is to start at the crown of the head, take hold of one-inch sections of hair and lift vertically, wrapping hair around the iron, as close to your scalp as you can. Then spray with a firm hairspray, for a firm but still flexible hold.


Hot/Cold Blow-Dry: Blow-drying will give you a good lift if used with a medium to large round brush. The trick is to place the brush as close to your scalp as you can, then pull your hair straight up from the base of your head, following the brush with a blow dryer on high heat, and then follow with a blast of cool air which "sets" the style.


Use Velcro Rollers: A few strategically placed Velcro rollers will give your hair terrific volume. After hair is washed and blow-dried, curve one-inch sections of the hair you want lifted around the roller (small rollers for a slight lift and large for a higher lift). Three or four rollers should do the trick. Leave rollers in for about five minutes, remove and arrange newly lifted hair with your fingers. It’s recommended you don’t brush at this point, as brushing could "deflate" the set.