Are You Being a Bridezilla? Keep Calm and Plan a Wedding.

You’re picking the menu, choosing the flowers, calling caterers and photographers. You’re picking colors and styles and choosing a dress. You’re scheduling hair appointments, fittings, and nail salon visits. You’re deciding on centerpieces and seating charts. You’re calling family members, friends, and rounding up addresses. You’re losing your mind and turning into a Bridezilla.


It’s easy to get overwhelmed and manic when you’re planning a wedding. There is so much to think about, let alone do! You’ve got some help, but it seems like it will never come together. The best thing to do in these times? Relax. Destress. Take a moment away from the wedding plans. Breathe.

Before you go ditching your wedding plans and grabbing the next flight to Vegas, try these tips to keep calm.

  • First and foremost, step away from the plans. Literally. Do not look at seating charts, invitation typography, or bouquet arrangements.  Physically separate yourself from all wedding plans.
  • Try spending time with your bridesmaids, but just as friends. Take some time to see a movie or have a spa day with your girls. The catch? No. Wedding. Talk. Use the time to remind yourself that you have a great bunch of ladies who love and support you. Do not use the time to continue handing out orders. They get irritated, then you get irritated.
  • If you feel like you’re constantly answering other people’s questions and have a million different decisions to make, try making some alone time. You might be feeling overwhelmed with a ton of different people calling, texting, emailing, and Facebooking. Unplug from the world and spend time alone. Go for a run or hike. Cook and eat a dinner alone. Read a book. Nap. Do anything to recharge your overworked brain!
  • Laugh. Laugh at yourself! Poke fun of the crazy Bridezilla you’ve become! Design a custom Bridezilla shirt to let everyone know that you know you’ve been a little cranky! Friends and family members will appreciate you recognizing how demanding you’ve been and find it in their hearts to forgive you. They know you’re stressed. They want to help. Remember that and planning a wedding together will be easy.
  • Above all, remember that this is a celebration of your love. You’ll be marrying your soulmate in front of all of the people who matter to you. Friends and family are there on that day to express their support and love for you. Don’t lose focus and turn your dream-come-true into a nightmare! Keep calm and plan a wedding.Bridezilla Cropped
    Keep Calm And Crop