Ditch the Bouquet!


Here is a brilliant idea! Instead of the traditional bouquets, ditch them altogether and have your bridesmaids carry fun parasols down the isle. You can save the traditional bouquet for yourself or join your bridesmaids in carrying a parasol of your own. There is a plethora of styles out there to choose from and this will add a bit of uniqueness to your wedding. This idea works best for an outside wedding with a more casual feel. This idea would probably not work as well in a cathedral. So keep your venue in mind when opting for this fun and unique idea!

DIY Towel Cake

towel cake

Bridal Shower Towel Cake

A towel cake is a fun and simple centerpiece idea for any bridal shower. This is a great table decoration that the bride can actually use again. This design is sure to be the hit of the party!
Materials and Tools:
Towel Sets – 2 bath towels, 2 hand towels and 2 wash cloths. – #3 or #5 widths. Any color (130 inches)
– Any color (1 bag of 100)
Silk Rose– Any color (1 ) Sharp Scissors, Measuring Tape or Ruler.
Step 1. Roll the Towels: Fold each hand towel in half lengthwise twice. Start with one end and roll the towels up as shown. Set aside. Repeat this process with the wash cloths. Fold each bath towel in half lengthwise and repeat the folding until the width of the towel is roughly 6″. Roll the two towels together in the same way as the hand towels. You should now have the three layers of the “cake.”

Step 2. Add the Ribbon: Cut the satin ribbon into 60″, 40″ and 30″ lengths. Tie the large piece around the bath towels as shown. Repeat for the other two cake layers. When complete, stack the cake layers starting with the largest layer at the bottom.

Step 3. Add the Details: Once the layers are stacked, move the cake to the final location. Pop the rose off of the stem and place it on top of the cake. Sprinkle rose petals around the cake, remembering to put a few on the layers.

Sandsational Cake!

brown sugar
Having a beach themed wedding? Then this cake is perfect for you! I love how this simple design is made into a beach themed wonder. The design on the cake is reminiscent of waves, while the seashells add the beach aura. My favorite part, however, is the brown sugar that surrounds the cake to give the appearance of sand. The little couple is pretty cute as well. Don’t you think?

Trend Alert~ Fruit!

The newest trend in the wedding scene is adding fruit to your centerpieces. Fruit is added to give a little spice to a traditional flower centerpiece. Fruit can go solo, piled high in hurricanes or decorative bowels, and make a stunning impression. It is also a great addition to centerpieces because of the wonderful colors available. Kiwi and lemons are a favorite among florists and deservedly so! They are beautiful to look at. When adding fruit to a centerpiece, keep in mind which fruit is in season for your wedding. You will want fruit that is in season so that is will be in its most beautiful state. It’s sometimes hard to find good fruit when it’s out of season.

fruit centerpiece jpeg